
Posts Tagged ‘shatter me

Close your eyes!

No listen, you have to close your eyes!

Oh yeah, You can’t read with your eyes closed, I’m a moron. Okay but imagine a girl sitting. Her bulbous eyes stare straight ahead; spider lines in thick bags of blues and purples add to her aging look, and her mouth, opened, draws spit out of a limp tongue. It’s fucking disgusting yea? Well that’s the state I’m in! You’re thinking, BULLOCKS! I shit you not. Two overdue assignments scream my name and the blaring white light from my laptop is the only thing keeping my head sitting atop a strained neck, instead of laying on a pillow that is–as in I am addicted to the internet. And you, you only wanna know why I haven’t updated my WORDPRESS! Shame on you bad, bad person!

So, it’s been a while and I’m gonna admit I just feel lazy and tired and not in a blogging mode these days. But alas, I’m blogging at the moment.

There’s a contest which you may or may not have heard about and its host is the lovely, amazing Tahereh Mafi, author of the YA novel Shatter Me. Check out her awesome blog if you would like to win some books, and of course, as a writer, I love nothing more than FREE BOOKS… so tada! Fingers crossed I win! Here’s her website: http://stiryourtea.blogspot.com/2012/02/contest-and-winning-and-free-books.html

On another note, I have been writing… ALOT! Ok that’s a little bit exaggerated but yes, I’ve been writing more than before. I’ve been editing and re-editing and re-editing and re- (you get the fucking point) both  short stories: A Day in the Life of Mr. Death – which is no longer the same story anymore and the title has in fact been changed to Mr. Wallingford… yea (the not so unique tale of a writer) and The Feast in order to apply for the Clarion West workshop from June to July. Ok, so you see, I am lazy but I have been working and that’s what’s important. Ok, ttyl cause I gotta go now. Post a poem later 🙂




April 2024

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